Acclimating Your Vegetable Seed Starts to The Outdoors: 'Hardening-off ' Vegetable Plants
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel The Rusted Garden Over 800 Garden Videos Designed to Quickly Present Information! Please Support The Rusted Garden by Shopping through my Amazon Affiliate Link Acclimating Your Vegetable Seed Starts to The Outdoors: 'Hardening-off ' Vegetable Plants Please Visit The Rusted Garden Vegetable Seed and Garden Shop A lot of gardeners don't know their indoor seed starts are soft and not ready for the great outdoors. They need to go through a slow acclimation process to get use to the sun's ultraviolet rays, the wind and temperature fluctuations. The process is generally called 'hardening-off' and it is how it sounds. Your seed starts need a week's time to toughen up to the world in which they will be growing. They will actually be burned by the UV rays of the sun. They will be stressed by the wind and temperature changes. When your seeds germinate indoors and break the surface they are ready for the outdoor elements but they lose...