6 Principles For Managing Pests and Diseases in A Vegetable Garden
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel The Rusted Garden Over 800 Garden Videos Designed to Quickly Present Information! Please Support The Rusted Garden by Shopping through my Amazon Affiliate Link 6 Principles For Managing Pests and Diseases in A Vegetable Garden Pests and Diseases will show up in your garden. They can't be stopped. What you can do is reduce damage and manage the problems. All treatments don't work equally in our gardens. What works in one garden zone my not work as well in another zone or it may not work at all. Don't be fooled into thinking companion planting is the cure for all, it can help. Or that the word organic is magical. It is important to start with the least potent treatment for pests and diseases. Work your way up from there, until you find something that works in your own garden. The videos use aphids, slugs and powdery mildew to highlight these six principles. First Principle: Check your plants and garden two or three times a week and look for ...