Gardeners Wanted for the 2018 All-America Selections Growing Group! - A Seed Give-Away
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel The Rusted Garden Over 800 Garden Videos Designed to Quickly Present Information! Gardeners Wanted for the 2018 All-America Selections Growing Group! ..........................................A Seed Give-Away.......................................... We are randomly selecting 50 ' Flower and Vegetable Winners ' FB group members to receive 3-5 free seed packs of different AAS Winning varieties and starting our new Growing Group. We want to share our passion with your passion for growing a garden. We'd love for you to join our new FB group and share your gardens with us! Every 3-4 months we are going to have seed give-aways and growing groups. Here is how you enter... our first give-away and planting group! All-America Selections is an 85-year-old non-profit, plant trialing organization that tests new vegetable, fruit, ornamental and flower varieties for garden performance. Only the top performers are deemed AAS Winners. We want to spread the...