Revisiting My Old Self Wicking Tomato Containers: Improvements and New Designs for 'Self Watering' Tomato Containers
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel The Rusted Garden Over 800 Garden Videos Designed to Quickly Present Information! Please Support The Rusted Garden by Shopping through my Amazon Affiliate Link Revisiting My Old Self-Wicking Tomato Containers: Improvements and New Designs for 'Self Watering' Tomato Containers Please Visit The Rusted Garden Vegetable Seed and Garden Shop The design for my original self-wicking tomato watering containers is going to be 2 years old. Some lessons learned have given me ideas for a new design or two. I will be making those videos over the next month or so. The greatest lesson learned is that reserve water in this design and any design will stagnate if the water is not full used by the tomato or plant. The first question to ask before building one is: Do I need a self-wicking container for my tomatoes or garden plants? The answer can be found by answering two more questions. Does the heat of my summer dry a 5 gallon container out in less than 24 hour...