Follow My Garden's Growth at My New Community Plot: See Everything I Do Over the Year - From Weeding, To Soil Preparation, Planting, Tending, Harvesting and A Lot More!

Follow My Garden's Growth at My New Community Plot: See Everything I Do Over the Year - From Weeding, To Soil Preparation, Planting, Tending, Harvesting and A Lot More!

This year I finally got my community garden plot. I inherited and over-grown plot covered in weeds and wire grass. The fence needed to be replaced and it was in need of lot care and repair.

But it is mine! The first 6 episodes show you how I took it from its neglected over-grown 20-25 foot plot turned into something I am really proud of. If you don't have room or land... you might want to look for community garden plots in your area. Check out the videos for more information and watch me build and grow my community garden.

My Community Garden Plot Episode 1: 
I Finally Got It!, Fencing, Vinegar Brush Killer & Weed Block 

I finally got my 20 x 25 foot community garden plot after a long wait. I will be doing a season long series on how I manage the plot, plant, tend and deal with pests. Some of the space will be used by kids for their first garden and I will show off some of other garden plots in the community. This episode covers quick fencing, vinegar weed & brush killing and putting down weed block. The grunt work.

My Community Garden Plot Episode 2: 
Filling the Beds Cheaply, Planting and a New Gardener! 

I finally got my 20 x 25 foot community garden plot after a long wait. In episode 2, I show you how to cheaply fill your beds and some of the problems I am encountering. My goal is not to have to spend a lot of money to fill the beds this year. The plot has cost about $225 so far to get it in shape. And Leena, a new gardener, starts getting her plot in shape too. She is three!

My Community Garden Plot Episode 3: 
8 Kinds of Raised Beds, A Watering System & Progress 

This is Episode 3 for my community garden plot. I will be doing a season long series on how I manage the plot, plant, tend and deal with pests. The 12 beds are just about prepared. I show you how to use containers to make raised beds. There are 100's of ways to get a garden ready for vegetables. I have covered about 8 ways to prepare the beds in the last 2 episodes. I also show you the beginning design of my container water system that uses a drip hose and eventually a rain barrel.

My Community Garden Plot Episode 4: 
Planted Tomatoes & Peppers, Grow Bags, A Drips System & More 

    This is Episode 4 for my community garden plot. I will be doing a season long series on how I manage the plot, plant, tend and deal with pests. The containers were planted with peppers and tomatoes. I started some 7 gallon grow bags with a shredded leaf mix for the containers soil. I am experimenting with a drip systems and Leena waters her garden and enjoys a wheelbarrow ride.

    My Community Garden Plot Episode 5: 
    Fencing, Trellising, Determinate Tomatoes & A Hose Tip

    This is Episode 5 on my community garden plot. I will be doing a season long series on how I manage the plot, plant, tend and deal with pests. Some quick tips on making it easier moving a hose through garden, staking determinate tomatoes, trellis types, and I raise my fence by two feet. The member told me deer can jump 4 foot fences. And a general updated on the growth.

    My Community Garden Plot Episode 6: 
    Epsom Salt, Tomato Nutrients, Eggplant Flea Beetles & Growth 

    This is Episode 6 on my community garden plot. I will be doing a season long series on how I manage the plot, plant, tend and deal with pests. I show you nutrient lacking tomatoes, talk about nutrients, how to use Epsom Salt, flea beetles on eggplants and the progress of my plot. I also show you white patches on zucchini leaves... it is perfectly normal.

    Episode 7 will be put out this week. That episode and future episodes can be found on my YouTube Channel!

    Good Luck with Your Garden, Gary (The Rusted Garden)

    Join My New YouTube Channel Just for NEW Gardeners: My First Vegetable Garden

    Join My Google+ Community Our Tomato and Vegetable Gardens (5000+ Members!)
    400+ HD Short and to Point Garden Videos: My YouTube Video Gardening Channel
    Follow and Organize The Rusted Garden on Pinterest


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